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Internet related
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Que. 1 What is Network, Types of networks?
Que.2 Explain the Concept of Client and Serve.
Que.3 What is Topologies? Explain the types of Topology.
Que.4 What is Network communication?
Que.5 Write the five name of network devices?
Que.6 What is Protocol? Write any five name of protocols.
Que.7 What is Internet? , Explain the Internet, Application.
Que.8 Explain the Advantages and disadvantages of internet.
Que.9 Define the following: 1. WWW 2. Web browsers 3. Uploading & downloading,
Que.10 What is social media? Name any list five social media.
Que.11 What is email? How can send email from one computer to another computer.
Que.12 How can attach file in email? How can forward email?
Que.13 How can send email to multiple users?
Que.14 How can connect Hotspot with Wi-Fi?
Que.15 Define the following: 1. Security threats 2. Viruses 3. Malware 4. Spam 5. Firewalls
Que.16 What is Antivirus? Name any five antiviruses.
Que.17 What is E-commerce? Name any five websites.
Que.18 What is e-Governance? Explain the services of E- Governance.
Que.19 Explain the types of e- Governance
Que. 20 What are advantage and disadvantage of E-Governance?
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