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1. Where is the lotus-shaped marble house of worship loc *
1 point
2. Which fighting force of India will benefit from the LCA project? *
1 point
3. The world’s first woman Prime Minister was *
1 point
4. Match the following : Countries Sports (i) Australia (a) Bull fighting (ii) U.S.A. (b) Ice hockey (iii) Spain (c) Cricket (iv) Japan (d) Base ball (e) Ju Jitsu *
1 point
5. The origin of the phrase “United Nations” is associated with one of the following personalities- *
1 point
6. The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) Is located at *
1 point
7. Which of the following is called the ‘Mother of Parliaments’? *
1 point
8. The abbreviation TRP denotes *
1 point
9. Who said, ‘Man is a Social Animal’? *
1 point
10. The abbreviation (TRAI) stands for *
1 point
11. In Jabbar Patel’s feature film on the life of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the role of Dr. Ambedkar was enacted by *
1 point
12. In international disputes over air rights, which among the following acts as an Arbitrator ? *
1 point
13. Now the released public Europiean currency is *
1 point
14. Which country is not a member of SAARC ? *
1 point
15. Which amidst the following countries of the European Union has not adopted the single currency Euro ? *
1 point
16. The main advocate of Utilitarianism is *
1 point
17. TRIPS stands for *
1 point
18. Who conquered Mt. Everest ten times? *
1 point
19. Which of the following events occurred first? *
1 point
20. What was the original name of the “Shaheed Minar” in Kolkata? *
1 point
21. Which of the following rivers is causing dispute among Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra? *
1 point
22. The World’s First Test Tube Dolphins were born in *
1 point
23. The first example of an enacted Constitution is *
1 point
24. NASDAQ stands for *
1 point
25. Which of the following is a wonder of the ancient world *
1 point
26. In which country people participate in the amendment of the Constitution? *
1 point
27. What is the new name of the ‘Prince of Wales’ museum in India? *
1 point
28. Who created ‘Hotmail’? *
1 point
29. Referendum and initiative are practised in *
1 point
30. Green Land belongs to which European country? *
1 point
31. In which country there is no difference between Constitutional Law and Ordinary Law? *
1 point
32. Which country started competitive examination for civil service for the first time? *
1 point
33. Where is the Church of Nativity located? *
1 point
34. Where are the world famous Pyramids found ? *
1 point
35. Who was responsible for the Nationalisation of the Suez Canal in 1956 ? *
1 point
36. The Central Drug Research Institute of India is located at *
1 point
37. With which brand or product, the slogan ‘Connecting India’ is associated ? *
1 point
38. The currency of Myanmar is *
1 point
39. Which is the smallest country (in population) ? *
1 point
40. The World Trade Organisation was formed in *
1 point
41. With which brand or product, is the slogan ‘Just do it’ associated? *
1 point
42. Silicon Valley of India is located in *
1 point
43. In India FERA has been replaced by *
1 point
44. Right to Information Act was passed in the year *
1 point
45. Which is the administrative capital of Malayasia ? *
1 point
46. Which of the following schools is associated with Jawaharlal Nehru ? *
1 point
47. Which of the following organisations prepares topographical maps of India ? *
1 point
48. The height of the World’s tallest tower, the ‘Burj Dubai’ (renamed ‘Burj Khalifa’) is *
1 point
49. The country having the largest rail network in the world is *
1 point
50. The headquarters of WTO is at *
1 point
51. Yuan is the currency of : *
1 point
52. The Central Drug Research Institute of India is located at : *
1 point
53. National Institute of Rural Development is located at : *
1 point
54. Yen is the currency of : *
1 point
55. The National Tree of India is *
1 point
56. The Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) is located at *
1 point
57. First United Nations Conference on Environment was held in *
1 point
58. ‘Multinational’ is *
1 point
59. Which city of India is called as the ‘Silicon Valley of India’? *
1 point
60. Near which one of the following cities are Palitana temples located? *
1 point
61. The first President of India who made a 30-minute sortie in the Sukhoi fighter aircraft of the Indian Air Force is *
1 point
62. ‘Juno’ is the name of NASA’s mission to *
1 point
63. Which one of the following is known as the ‘Pearl City’ ? *
1 point
64. The latest and the largest Shipyard set up with Japanese collaboration is : *
1 point
65. ‘Rail Bandhu’ is : *
1 point
66. Coffee Research Institute of India is located at *
1 point
67. Which one of the following is an
example for Monopoly ?
1 point
68. WTO came into existence in the year : *
1 point
69. Earth Summit was held in *
1 point
70. In the first expansion of SAARC which one of the following countries joined as eighth member of SAARC ? *
1 point
71. ‘SCOPE’ is the abbreviated form of: *
1 point
72. Metric system of measurement started in the country in *
1 point
73. Who said that “the power of population is infinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence” ? *
1 point
74. Who inaugurated the ‘Grow More Trees’ campaign in July 1950? *
1 point
75. Which U. N. Conference has been named as the ‘Earth Summit’ ? *
1 point
76. Which part of India was included in World Heritage list by UNESCO on July 1, 2012 ? *
1 point
77. The country in East Asia which is most conspicuous for its decreasing population growth since 1981 is *
1 point
78. The Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project (SSCP) is supposed to reduce the distance between Chennai and Tuticorin by _______ nautical miles. *
1 point
79. Norman Ernest Borlaug, regarded as the father of Green Revolution in India, is from *
1 point
80. Who was the first person to ‘walk’ in space ? *
1 point
81. First American President to visit India is *
1 point
82. The First India-Africa Forum Summit was held during 2008 at: *
1 point
83. Who was not a politician? *
1 point
84. First Hindu-American to enter in the US House of Representative as senator is : *
1 point
85. Which of the following crop cultivation is banned by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India ? *
1 point
86. Which one of the following is
not correctly matched ?
1 point
87. Which country has three capitals viz. Administrative, Legislative and Judicial? *
1 point
88. Which one of the following Indian World Heritage Sites is not in Madhya Pradesh ? *
1 point
89. Which is the example for Plural Executive ? *
1 point
90. The Concept of “Directive Principles of State Policy” incorporated in the Constitution of India was borrowed from the Constitution of *
1 point
91. Which is the only country whose postage stamps do not bear its name? *
1 point
92. Who is the Chairperson of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights? *
1 point
93. Which is the first state in India to pass the Food Security Law? *
1 point
94. When Margaret Thatcher was P.M. with which country Britain waged a war to regain control of Falkland Islands ? *
1 point
95. The world’s tallest statue of Mahatma Gandhi is in *
1 point
96. Among the following states, which one has adopted the “Neem” tree as the state tree ? *
1 point
97. Which country’s currency is Ngultrum ? *
1 point
 98. Which one of the following countries and their capitals are wrongly paired ? *
1 point
99. Which one of the following monuments is the first inhabited World Heritage Monument *
1 point
100. Which one of the following ancient monuments in Delhi is no   a World Heritage Monument ? *
1 point
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