Volunteer Form
We very much appreciate your taking the time to fill out this survey.
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Name (Full Government) *
Address *
Date of birth
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Email *
Phone number
Can you be contacted during work hours? *
Emergency Contact & Relationship to You *
Current Job and/or Schooling/Training
Education/Special Training
Volunteer Experience *
Hobbies/Special Interests
How did you find out about SAY Detroit Play Center?
What are the factors that motivated your interest in joining SAY Detroit's Volunteer Tutor Program? *
What personal, professional, experiential, or other skills and/or resources would you offer to SAY Detroit Play Center as a volunteer tutor? *
What do you expect from your volunteer tutor experience?
Have you been involved with an organization that serves children? If yes, in what capacity? *
Availability and Preferences
What days of the week are you available? *
Обязательный вопрос
Hours of Availability *
Age Preference *
Please provide your race/ethnicity 
Background Information
Has disciplinary action (of any sort) ever been taken against you by a licensing board, professional association, or educational/training institution? *
SAY Detroit Play Center requires that all volunteers undergo a background check. Your participation in our program is dependent on the results. Do you consent to a full background check?
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Please enter your FULL  Social Security number for background check purposes only. *
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