Clash on Clark Pitch Form
Thank you for your interest in pitching a show and/or producing an event at Clash on Clark!

We are a performance space for artists by artists and want to continually do our best to practice inclusivity of various communities and art forms. Whether it's a comedy show, a dramatic play, or an experimental theater experience, please do your best to provide as much detail as possible so we may best understand the scope of your project.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to

Due to the quantity of pitches that we receive, we may not be able to respond to every submission. We are currently booking a couple months in advance, so keep that in mind while pitching. If you're pitching a show for this month or next month, we likely won't be able to accommodate that timing. But we'll do our best!
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Full name *
Pronouns *
Email address *
Instagram handle *
What is the title of your show/event? *
What is the run time of your show/event? *
Our standard run time is 60 minutes.
What best describes your show/event? *
Please provide a show description. *
This is a blurb that describes your show to a prospective audience member and that would be used for promoting your show on the website & social media.
Please provide an inside baseball show description. *
This is for us to understand your show format. What does the structure of a typical show look like? What cast and crew members do you have signed onto the project? Will you need to hold auditions or rehearsals at Clash on Clark?
What month are you interested in for your show/event? Please check all that apply. *
What frequency are you looking for? Please check all that apply. *
What day/time are you interested in for your show/event? Please check all that apply. *
Anything else you want to share?
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