Elementary Parent Survey 2024-2025
Parents, your input is valued at Wheaton Elementary.  Please take a couple of minutes to let us know your opinion about the current school year. This information will help us to improve the relationship between school and home. Please have your survey submitted by Friday, March 28th, 2025 at the latest. 
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I feel welcomed when I enter the school. *
The school schedules parent/teacher conferences in a flexible way, so that I can attend. *
Teachers regularly communicate with me. *
I have access to and regularly use email. *
I prefer teacher communication to be: *
I feel knowledgeable about the school's expectations for my child. *
My child receives additional academic help when it is needed. *
My family attends the school's extracurricular events. (Reading night, Math night, Open house, etc.) *
I feel knowledgeable about how the Title I program benefits our school.   *
I feel that my child has made adequate progress over the course of this school year. *
Please list any family activities you would like for Wheaton Elementary to offer.
Write any other comments or questions here: 

Thank you for completing the survey!  
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