Teach the Truth Event - June 11-12, 2022
We invite educators, students, parents, and community members to rally across the country at historic sites and pledge to #TeachTruth on June 11 and 12, 2022.

Share with us your plans so that we can offer support and make sure your event is "on the map." Even if you don't have all the details worked out yet, just let us know what is in place so far.

If you have not read the main information page yet, please do that first. See: https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/teach-truth-days-action-2022
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
City *
State *
Describe Your Group *
Some groups might fit in multiple categories. Select the option(s) that best describe your group.
Group Name
If your group has a name and/or you selected "Other" please describe below.
Teacher Union
Are you a member or affiliate of one of the following teacher unions or a local affiliate?
Historic site *
Describe the site you have selected. (We know it is subject to change.) It should be a place that symbolizes or reflects stories that would be prohibited under the proposed legislation. For example, any site in Black, Latinx, Native American, Asian American history. Also, any site that addresses labor, climate justice, or LGBTQ history — or contemporary organizing — for any race/ethnicity.
Size of Group *
About how many people do you expect to participate?
Collaborators *
Are you doing this in coordination with other groups? If so, list them here.
Experience *
Have you organized actions like this before?
What kind of assistance might you need?
We will provide a toolkit with media guidelines, sample signs, hashtags, and same social media posts. Anything else you will need?
Organizer consultation
Would you would like to have a consultation with one of our team members about organizing strategies and/or media outreach for your event. If so, note that below and the best way to reach you.
Is there a link to an announcement for your event and/or a description of the event?
Please provide a URL and/or description below.
Can we add your event to a list on our website? *
Is your event one that others can attend? If so, can we announce it on our website?
Outreach Support
Would you like us to send an e-announcement about your event to people on our list in your region? If so, we will be in touch with you to prepare that outreach.
Clear selection
What day and time is your event?
Provide the day, the start and end time, and the time zone.
Cell phone number.
This is optional. It is helpful in case we get media inquiries. (We will check with you first before sharing.)
Media Interviews
In addition to local media that we will help you reach out to for your event, we may get requests from national media to interview educators who are leading these days of action. If so, would you consider speaking with a national reporter? We would not connect you with media without checking with you first. This question is just to determine if it is even a possibility.
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Additional comments or questions
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