Leadership Quiz
Hi Leader,

This Quiz will help you to evaluate your Creativity , Collaboration and Critical thinking along with Communication i.e  all qualities which makes one an Inspirational Leader.

Therefore Please fill it carefully.

Note - From Q1 to Q 14 scores are to given in this way 👇

1 - Not at all
2 - Rarely
3 - Sometimes
4 - Often 
5 - Very Often

While from Q 15 to 25 scores are to be given in this way 👇

5 - Not at all
4 - Rarely
3 - Sometimes
2 - Often 
1 - Very Often

All the best.
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Q1 - When people talk to me, I try to see their perspectives. *
Not at all
Very often
Q2 - When talking to people, I pay attention to their body language. *
Not at all
Very often
Q3 - Before I communicate, I think about what the person needs to know, and how best to convey it. *
Not at all
Very often
Q4 - I gather information from a wide variety of sources to stay current with what's happening in my field of work. *
Not at all
Very often
Q5 - When solving a problem, I try to rethink my current understanding of an issue to develop a deeper insight into it. *
Not at all
Very often
Q6 - I look for things in my environment to inspire me to find new interpretations of problems. *
Not at all
Very often
Q7 - After a solution has been implemented, I immediately look for ways to improve the idea and avoid future problems. *
Not at all
Very often
Q8 - To avoid asking the wrong question, I take care to define each problem carefully before trying to solve it. *
Not at all
Very often
Q9 - I strive to look at problems from different perspectives and generate multiple solutions. *
Not at all
Very often
Q 10 - I evaluate the risks associated with each alternative before making a decision. *
Not at all
Very often
Q 11 - I try to determine the real issue before starting a decision-making process. *
Not at all
Very often
Q 12 - When providing feedback, I wait until I've observed enough incidents of a behavior to make a generalized statement that is accurate. *
Not at all
Very often
Q 13 - I go along with others' decisions rather than inject my ideas into the mix. *
Not at all
Very often
Q 14 - During times of conflict I think about how to preserve the relationship and still get my needs met. *
Not at all
Very often
Q 15 - If I don't understand something, I tend to keep this to myself and figure it out later. *
Very Often
Not at all
Q 16 - I'm surprised to find that people haven't understood what I've said. *
Very Often
Not at all
Q 17 - I can tend to say what I think, without worrying about how the other person perceives it. I assume that we'll be able to work it out later. *
Very Often
Not at all
Q 18 - When I'm coming up with ideas, I find myself using phrases like "we can't" or "we don't." *
Very Often
Not at all
Q 19 - I'm busy. As soon as I have a good idea, I move forward with implementation.
Very Often
Not at all
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Q 20 - I often ignore good ideas because I don't have the resources to implement them. *
Very Often
Not at all
Q 21 - I rely on my own experience to find potential solutions. *
Very Often
Not at all
Q 22 - I tend to have a strong "gut instinct," and I rely on it in decision-making. *
Very Often
Not at all
Q 23 - While actively talking with someone, I have composed my answer before they have finished speaking. *
Very Often
Not at all
Q 24 - I speak first, and think later. *
Very Often
Not at all
Q 25 - I make sure everyone knows about my contribution to a positive outcome. *
Very Often
Not at all
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