Demographic Survey
The Board of Directors for Delft Mama is gathering information about our participants in order to help acquire grant funding and better serve you. Would you be willing to help us out by answering the questions below? No names will be attached to any answers and all answers will remain anonymous. Feel free to leave any question blank that you do not wish to answer. The survey should take 5-10 minutes. 

Thank you for your participation!
Delft Mama Board of Directors

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
1. What is your age? 
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2. What is your gender?
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3. What is your country of birth? 
4. What is your nationality? 
5. What is the primary language spoken at home?
6. Where do you live? 
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7. What is your parenting status?
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8. How long have you lived in Delft? 
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9. How many children do you have? 
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10. What are the ages of your kids? 
11. Do you have family that live less than 10 km away? 
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12.  Do you have consistent childcare? (This could be a daycare, a full or part-time nanny, relatives who babysit, or a consistent babysitter. Basically, do you feel you have someone to call if you need a break?)
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13. Why do you participate in Delft Mama activities or online community? 
14. What type of activities or events would you most like to participate in?  You may check multiple boxes.
15. If you marked "other" for the previous question, briefly describe what event you would like to attend.
16. Are you interested in volunteering at some point with Delft Mama? 
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