School Communications Survey
Email *
Your name *
Name of child *
Relationship to child *
Do you read the weekly newsletter? *
How often do you read the newsletter? *
How do you access the newsletter? *
How often do you access Dojo? *
Do you have notifications switched on for Dojo?  *
Do you ever use Dojo to message your class teacher? *
Do you ever use Dojo to message the headteacher? *
Do you ever use Dojo to message the admin team? *
Do you feel the ability to message staff is useful? *
What would you do instead if the Dojo messaging service was switched off? *
How often do you use Arbor? *
What do you use Arbor for most often? *
Do you receive email notifications from Arbor? *
How do you feel about our use of digital forms/communications regarding your child in school? *
What do you think of the level of communications you receive from us? *
Do you have suggestions for how we can change or improve? *
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