Religious Needs Assessment
This RNA should only take about 1-2 minutes, and it helps us to help YOU!  The command is required to offer this survey to each member. Your voluntary participation is important to assist in meeting your religious needs. Thank you for your cooperation.

- Religious Ministries, NSA Naples
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My Faith Group(s). If yours is not listed, check other and write in Faith Group name:
Faith Group Participation:  On a scale of 0-10 how often do you participate in your Faith Group activities? 10 - "I participate very frequently", 0 - "I do not participate very frequently."
Batalkan pilihan
With regard to a Faith Group, I am:
I would like to participate in (check all that apply):
I am interested in representing my Faith Group as a Command Religious Lay Leader:
I have a previously approved religious accommodation waiver:
Please write any questions or religious accomodation waivers/concerns you have. Previously approved religious accommodation waivers may need to be reviewed. A representative of the Command Religious Program will contact you. (please provide contact information)
Last Name
First Name
Date Checked In:
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