Library Update Helper Questionnaire
As per the news post, we are looking for established users to assist with getting the library pages up to date.  If you are brought on to help, you will not be expected to actually update anything.  What we need from our users is feedback, help catching errors (be them spelling errors or errors in information), tips that might make gameplay easier, and such of that nature.  Please only apply if you check off most - or all - of the following:
  • You - the user - have been on Wajas for at least a year.
  • You've got a good grasp on Wajas and its gameplay, and tend to stay up to date of new updates.
  • You are capable of committing time and effort to looking over the library pages in full (meaning potentially reading big walls of text, because while we will try to break things down, we have a lot of information and no matter how much we break down, if we want to provide accurate information, there is a chance of it becoming a bit of a wall).
  • If any information is accidentally slipped out of potential updates coming soon to the site (staff will try not to do this, but if it does happen), you are capable of keeping it to yourself and not letting it spread beyond the group involved in this.
  • You are capable of of being mature regardless of what other users are brought on to help with this.  You do not need to like everyone, just pretend that this is work and you've got to smile through it.  It's not going to be a place for drama.  We will not tolerate it nor any form of bullying.
  • You are capable of offering feedback in a constructive manner and potentially not having that feedback taken 100% - or in some cases at all.
  • You are 18+.
Disclaimer: Because we are looking for as much feedback as possible, if you are not actively responding / helping with this, we may remove you from the group.  We have a set minimum we'd like involved in this, and if you are not assisting, we would like to give someone who will a chance to step up.  This will be done without warning.
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Your name, and please list all accounts affiliated with you (past and present), that you can remember.

This is just to give us an accurate timeline of how long you have been playing.
Tell us about yourself. 

What do you do for fun, what parts of Wajas do you enjoy, stuff of that nature.  This is just a "getting to know you section".
Normal game play time.

Please list what time zone you are in and what times you are usually active on Wajas.
What do you bring to the table?

It is very okay to think outside the box here.  Are you really good at editing / catching spelling and grammar errors?  Put that!  Do you excel in breaking down run on sentences and making them easier to read?  That's a great and useful skill!  Sell yourself.  There's limited spaces for this and I want a variety of skill sets, so there is no wrong answers here!
Please visit Our Library Reference Section, pick a page, and do a "feedback" on that page.

While it does not need to be very in depth (all of the pages for the most part need reworking), it should give us an idea of how you offer feedback.  Remember, we want constructive responses and not blatant bashing.
My preference for communication for this will be discord (their pinging and channel setup is just cleaner), however, if not all users selected are okay with discord, we will do a guild.  Below, note if you are okay with discord, and if so, what your discord name is so that if we go that route, we can get you added ASAP to the discord.

If you do not prefer discord, just put "guild preferred".
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