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Request to Add a Network to NATURA
Please use this form to submit a request to join the Nature-based solutions for Urban Resilience in the Anthropocene (NATURA) network, a consortium of over 40 organizations and groups exploring nature-based solutions and urban resilience.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Your Full Name
Your answer
Name of the Network or Organization
Your answer
Physical Address
Your answer
Brief Description of Network (mission/vision)
Your answer
Network Website
Your answer
Social Media Handles (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc.)
Your answer
Why would you like to join NATURA, and what do you hope to contribute? (eg. research, new knowledge, networking, advocacy, applying best practices, etc.)
Your answer
What region is your network most closely aligned with ? (eg. what area of the world does it serve, or is located?)
Latin America
North America
Would you like to contribute to a Working Group? If so, which one is of interest. (To learn more visit:
NATURA Design for Justice
Nature-based Pathways
Global to Local
Urban Nature
Urban Informality
Urban Ecological Resilience
NBS Global Roadmap
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What else would you like us to know?
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