Social Media on Gender
Hi, I am a Year 12 student studying society and culture. For my PIP (personal interest project - major work), I have decided to study adolescent perceptions of gender identity through the representations of social media and the effects this has on their socialisation. This questionnaire helps give me primary data to focus on when writing my PIP. It would be great for you to complete. Please look below to understand more:

things to consider: 
- it is 10 questions 
- it may ask you to submit form if you do not identify as male or female as this is research specifically aimed on male and female perceptions  
- aimed at adolescent age (between the ages of 10-24)
- you have used social media during your adolescence
- acknowledge that your responses MAY be used as quotes, data analysis and evidence towards/oppose my hypothesis question 
- understand all responses are anonymous 
- that you can answer all questions to the best of your ability :)
- if you feel uncomfortable or don't understand the question asked you may skip it to ensure all data collected is as accurate as can be xx

Thank you!

Key words: 
gender: either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones
adolescent: an individual moving from childhood to adulthood through maturity and independence
socialisation: the process of internalising the norms and ideologies of society
stereotypes: a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing
power: the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or the course of events
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