CTLE - Kennedy of Albany: A Writer and His City
By filling out this form you are attesting to having watched the documentary Kennedy of Albany: A Writer and His City in its entirety for 1 hour of CTLE credit. You will receive a CTLE completion certificate within 2 weeks of completing this form.

You will receive a copy of your answers via email when you submit the form. If you have questions, please contact education@wmht.org.
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1. What is your name as it appears on your TEACH account?


2. What is your address?


3. What is your date of birth?

4. What are the last 4 digits of your social security #?

5. Does Kennedy consider himself to be a “regional writer”? Does he regard the term “regional writer” in a positive or negative light?


6. What was north Albany like in the 1930s when Kennedy was growing up?


7. Describe the relationship between the Times Union and the Democratic Party machine in the 1950s.


8. Why did Kennedy move to Puerto Rico? What was that experience like for him?


9. Describe Kennedy’s relationships with Hunter S. Thompson and Saul Bellow.


10. How had the city and the country changed when Kennedy moved back to Albany in 1963? What kind of stories did Kennedy cover as a journalist?


11. What are the major themes in Kennedy’s Albany Cycle (Legs, Billy Phelan's Greatest Game, Ironweed, Quinn’s Book, The Flaming Corsage, Very Old Bones, Roscoe, and Chango’s Beads & Two-Tone Shoes)?


12. How did the MacArthur Fellowship and the Pulitzer Prize impact Kennedy’s life and career?

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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