HelloSurg course 8 assessment
HelloSurg course 8: Laparoscopy assisted Pull through for Hirschsprung’s disease
Where was the first port given  *
10 points
What are the other two port positions? *
10 points
What were the positions of surgeon and assistant during operation? *
10 points
How was the patient positioned? *
10 points
Why inferior mesenteric artery needed to be divided? *
10 points
How the vascularity of the pulled through segment is ensured? *
10 points
What important structure you need to protect during dissection? *
10 points
What important structure in male child you need to protect? *
10 points
Where from the resected segment you will send tissue for histopathology? *
10 points
Without frozen section how it was decided where to resect? *
10 points
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