VR Game Design Summer Course , VR 游戏设计暑期课
孩子喜欢上网玩游戏的家长请注意啦,欢迎为你的孩子报名参加Keely Cannif的VR Game Design游戏设计课!
Attention please! If you have children like to play online games, you are welcomed to sign up Keely Cannif 's VR game design summer course!
游戏设计是近些年随着全球游戏产业的高速发展而新兴的一门跨领域综合性学科。很多知名大学都有游戏设计专业, 大厂对游戏设计的人才需求近年来也越来越多。游戏行业不仅需要艺术设计师,而且还需要程序员、概念设计师、系统设计师、3D建模师、产品/项目经理、测试、游戏运营、游戏策划人员的参与;不仅游戏的开发和设计需要游戏设计师, 而且企业的管理和产品研发也急需游戏化设计, 所以从小学习游戏设计可以让孩子在轻松的环境中不知不觉提高创意开发思维,让拥有不同兴趣的孩子学会协同工作,也让他们今后在不同领域的发展有更大的活力和空间。
Emerging as an industry in recent years, game design is a comprehensive discipline. Many well-known colleges have game design majors, and big tech companies have strong demand for game design talents. The game industry needs not only the art designers, but also programmers, concept designers, system designers, 3D modelers, product/project managers, testing engineers, game operations, game planners etc.; not only game development and design needs game designers, but the management and product R&D are also in urgent need of gamification design. Thus, learning game design from an early age can lead children to use game as their specialty, to stimulate their creative and passion.
本期游戏设计课将教会学生在Rec Room制作平台上完成VR游戏设计,创建自己的交互式在线虚拟体验。学生可以没有电脑coding经验,就像制作video需要会使用象iMovie 类的app一样。本期课程着重设计各种形式的比较积极正面的教育类游戏,目标是让学生能够完成从想法到概念再到最终产品的在线虚拟教育类游戏设计全过程。
This game design course doesn't require students have any coding experience. Teacher will teach students VR game design and creating online virtual interaction on the app of Rec Room, just like making a video by using an app of iMovie. This course focuses on designing various forms of educational games from idea to concept to final product.
Keely Cannif老师拥有CS 硕士学位,目前于University of the Pacific 在职攻读教育学博士,专门研究如何利用VR(虚拟现实)和XR(扩展现实)加速教育变革和提升教学质量 。她有创建游戏任务系统、为教师课程计划、国家历史博物馆展台、有游戏功能的故事平台等策划教育 VR 体验的实战经验。
Teacher Keely Canniff holds a master's degree in CS, and is currently pursuing a doctorate in education at the University of the Pacific, specializing in how to use VR (Virtual Reality) and XR (Extended Reality) to accelerate educational reform and improve teaching quality. She has practical experience in planning educational VR such as creating game task systems, curating VR experiences for faculty lessons plans, deploying custom-built educational VR application to a national historical museum, and translating storyboards into functioning in-game features, etc..
报名要求:4-12年级学生,需要有课后也能do small project 的勇气和热情,必要时欢迎父母监督帮助。有特殊才华和热忱的孩子,可酌情放宽年龄。
Requirements: students in grades 4-12,need to have the courage and passion to do small projects after class. Parents are welcome to supervise and help your child when necessary. For younger children with special talents and passion could be unrestricted.
课程时间 Class Time: 6/19, 6/26, 7/10, 7/17 Sunday 8:30 am -9:30am
学费 Fee: $200。