Neuroengineering 2022-2023
Enrollment in the course's mailing list and request to access the teaching material.
Institutional email address *
Email address in the format (mandatory)
Additional email address (optional)
personal email address already linked to a Google account (see explanation below)
Notes on email addresses
The course material will be available in a Google Drive shared folder, to which students are authorized to access using their Google account
If you have a personal Google account that you already use to access Google Drive, you may want to request that this account is authorized in addition to the institutional one, so that you will not need to switch between them when accessing the course material.
For further explanations on using multiple Google Accounts, see : The screenshot below, taken from the top-right corner of a browser window, shows how you can check which is your current account, and which are the additional ones, if any.

NB: requests sent through the Google Drive's "request access" button will be ignored. Filling this form is the only way to gain access to the material. In case of problems, send an email to, explaining the issue.
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