CSLI - C.S. Lewis Life, Faith, and Writings Fellows Program Application - Dallas
This application must be completed in one sitting. Please allow the necessary time to appropriately respond or copy the questions to a Word document to answer and paste responses to this form at a later time.
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Date Submitted: *
Location: *
Basic Information
Last Name *
First Name *
Age: *
Gender: *
Street Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Best phone number to reach you: *
Best email address to reach you: *
What year did you complete the Year 1 C.S. Lewis Fellows Program? *
Who was your mentor in the Year 1 C.S. Lewis Fellows Program? *
Share 2-3 highlights from your Year 1 Fellows Program experience. *
What do you hope to gain from doing a year-long discipleship program using the Life, Faith and Writings of C.S. Lewis? *
Are you willing to make these commitments: completing the assignments and readings (around 250 pages/month), attending the Fall retreat in 2025, actively sharing and discussing the themes in a small group, praying and fellowshipping with a Triad/Quad, committing to being a blessing to others in the C.S. Lewis Fellows Community through your active involvement in all aspects of the program? *
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