TREC DC: Community Feedback
Thank you for sharing your feedback and ideas on what services our practice could provide to better support individuals who have experienced trauma in the DC area and beyond.  This survey is anonymous and your email address will not be collected. Please feel free to skip any questions you would prefer not to answer.

For more information on TREC DC or to request more information, please visit

*Please note that this form is not a way to request services; if you are in need of urgent or immediate support, please call 988
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Which of the following best describes you (check as many as apply; all responses are anonymous):
Where are you located most of the time?
Which of the following workshops would you be interested in attending or would be likely to recommend to someone during the next year? (check all that apply)
Would you (or others you recommend workshops to) be willing to participate via a virtual platform such as zoom?  
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Please explain your answer above on telehealth (e.g., why you answered yes, no, or maybe)
Which of the following might make attending a mental health workshop easier? (check all that apply)
For those located in or near DC: What mental health resources do you feel are missing for those who have experienced trauma in the DC area?
For those in or near DC: what resources/supports do you think are already being well provided to individuals who have experienced trauma in the DC area?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Questions or more feedback? Contact us at
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