福智專業單身青年聯誼會 BWYA Young Professionals Singles Networking Application

- 單身年輕專業人士

- 12 月 18 日。星期六
- 抵達時間:2:30 PM
- 位置將在Los Altos。確切位置將於確認電子郵件中發出。
- 費用:25 美元,包括茶點和場地佈置 and prizes。Prefer Venmo and PayPal。
- 著裝:半正式。著裝給人留下良好的第一印象。

- 認識其他單身的年輕專業人士。我們將盡量保持男女比例為 1:1。
- 在輕鬆安全的環境中交流
- 點心
- Prizes for the top 5 activity winners!

- 活動人數上限為 24 人。
- 以申請日期先後決定優先權。所以請盡快申請。
- 請注意,您的申請並不能保證一定錄取。
- 確認或候補名單通知將在 24-48 小時內發送。
- 您的私人信息都將保密,僅用於此次活動。
- 如果您不能參加,請盡快取消,以便我們填補您的位置。謝謝您!

- 感謝您通過遵循以下項目來保證我們所有人的安全。
- 如果您感到不適和/或有 COVID 症狀,請不要參加。
- 入場時,請準備好出示身份證明和已接種疫苗的證明。
- 除了進食或飲水外,請始終佩戴口罩。


- Single young professional

- December 18. Saturday
- Arrival time: 2:30pm
- Location will be in Los Altos. Exact location given via the confirmation email.
- Cost: $25 to cover light refreshments, venue, and prizes. Prefer Venmo and PayPal.
- Attire: semi-formal. Dress to give a good first impression.

- Meet other single young professionals. We will try to maintain a 1:1 ratio of females to males.
- Mingle in a casual and safe environment
- Light refreshments
- Prizes for the top 5 activity winners!

- Event is capped at 24 people.
- Priority is by application date-stamp. So apply asap.
- Please note your application does not guarantee a spot.
- Confirmation or waitlist notification will be sent within 24-48 hours.
- All information collected is confidential and used by event volunteers to optimize event.
- If you can't make it, please cancel asap so we can fill your spot. Thank you.

COVID Safety
- Thank you for keeping us all safe by following the below items.
- If you feel unwell and/or have COVID symptoms, please do not attend.
- At entry, please be prepared to show identification and proof of full vaccination.
  (physical or digital vaccination card)
- Wear a mask at all times other than eating or drinking.

Questions? Email us at
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Are you a single young professional? *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Gender *
Age *
Spoken Language Ability *
COVID Safety *
Digital Payment Method *
To help us prepare, please select all methods that you use.
Do you have any dietary restrictions or allergies?
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