第20回YSW (2023.7.4) 感想フォーム / Feedback form for the 20th YSW
Young Soft Webinar(https://sites.google.com/view/young-soft-webinar)の感想フォームです。



Any feedback is welcome. You don't need to fill out all of the fields, so you can send multiple submissions, e.g., for each presentation. Your comments will be sent to the speaker later. If you provide name and/or e-mail address, they will be also shared with the speaker.
一人目の講演者(伊藤 将氏)へのコメント・感想 / Comments to Mr. Susumu Ito
二人目の講演者(白谷 空氏)へのコメント・感想 / Comments to Mr. Sora Shiratani
世話人へのコメント / Comments to organizers
氏名(任意) / Your name (optional)
メールアドレス(任意) / e-mail address (optional)
課程・職種 / Your academic status *
Thank you for your feedback!
Young Soft Webinarは今後も継続的に開催予定です。次回のご参加もお待ちしております。


We look forward to seeing you at the next seminar. If you are interested to give a presentation, please contact us.
You can find the information of the seminar from: https://sites.google.com/view/young-soft-webinar/english
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