BSM Leadership Team Application
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E-Mail-Adresse *
Name *
Phone number *
Mailing address *
Birthdate *
Academic status (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) *
Expected year of graduation (i.e. Spring 2024) *
Number of hours you are taking next semester: *
Why are you applying for the Leadership Team? *
Please describe your salvation experience (how and when you committed your life to Christ). *
How are you growing spiritually at this time? *
In 5 or 6 sentences, please explain the gospel including scripture. *
Please share about a recent opportunity you have had to share the gospel with someone who is not a Christian. *
On a scale of 1-10 how confident are you in sharing the gospel with someone in your life? *
Not Confident at all
Very confident
What church are you involved in here in Tyler? *
What Focus group have you been involved in? What is a need you think people on campus have? *
How are you expecting to grow by serving on the leadership team? *
What other organizations are you involved in? Are you in any leadership roles? *
Where will you be living next semester? *
Will you be working next semester? If so, where and how many hours per week? Does your boss know about and support your involvement in campus activities? (Will he/she more or less likely to give you a weekend off for an event?) *
Is there anything in your life, if made known, would hinder your witness or be an embarrassment to your ministry, the BSM, or any other group you represent? *
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