Revolve Menu - Augmented Reality Food Menu Survey  Customer Feedback
Thank you for using Revolve Menu! We value your feedback to improve our services. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions, we'd would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on how we can improve your experience!
How did you first hear about Revolve Menu?
Are you currently using Revolve Menu on a Computer or Phone?
On which device(s) have you used Revolve Menu? (Select all that apply)

What Operating System are you using Revolve Menu on?  (Select all that apply) *
What Internet Browser are you using Revolve Menu on your device? (Select all that apply) *
Rate your overall satisfaction with Revolve Menu on a scale of 1 to 5. *
What features do you find most valuable in Revolve Menu? (Select all that apply) *
Do you think Revolve Menu has improved your viewing  experience compared to traditional paper menus? *
Did the Augmented Reality aspect of the menu enhance your decision-making process ?
Have you experienced any technical issues while using Revolve Menu? If yes, please describe briefly. *
How was the visual quality? Did all food models look correct?
How was the navigation experience and loading times
Fast and fluid
Slow and Unstable
How likely are you to recommend Revolve Menu to others? *
Do you have any suggestions or feedback for improving Revolve Menu?
Can we email you about exciting future Revolve Menu information and feature updates?
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