Honoring our Black Families of Eastport: Past & Present
Thank you for your interest in joining us at our community's place of worship to honor the 150+ year history, memories of our ancestors, and our church's history.

This event will take place on Sunday, February 27, 2022 from 11:30am to 3pm at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church of Eastport (612 Second Street, Annapolis, Maryland 21403).

In addition to a gallery of photos, there will be two moderated discussion panels, and some selected statements and memories shared by descendants. Doors will open at 11am to view the gallery.

In acknowledgement of the current health crisis, please note that masks are required and attendance will be limited. The event will be live-streamed, recorded, and professionally photographed. Details for the Zoom/live stream will be be sent at least 3 days in advance of the event. If you would like access to a recording, please leave a note in the last section and/or contact Briayna Cuffie at briayna.cuffie@gmail.com.
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Name (first and last) *
Please provide AT LEAST one method of contact (phone number or email address) for follow-up regarding event logistics: *
How many people (children included) will attend the event with you? *
Please list names of the additional people in your party below:
Would you prefer to attend in-person or receive a live stream link? *
Note on in-person attendance
Please note we will be prioritizing descendants of Eastport families and current/surrounding residents. As we get closer to maximum capacity and/or the date of the event (whichever comes first), the entire party of those who request to attend in-person may not be able to be accommodated. We hope you still will join us via live stream from home with your family's generations.
Do you currently reside within the historical boundaries of the town of Eastport? (between State Street to Horn Point, and Severn Avenue to Eastern Avenue) *
Are you a descendant of one of the original families of Eastport (1868-1951)? If so, please share surnames below. *
Will anyone in the party be using a mobility device (cane, walker, wheelchair, etc.) or require elevator access? *
Note: This is a masked and distanced event. Some disposable masks may be available upon entry if needed.
Please note that if you are unable to properly wear your mask for an extended period of time, you may be asked to stream the event from another location.
Are you (and members of your party) vaccinated for Covid-19/SARS COVI-2? How many shots have you received? *
Is there anything you would like the event coordinators to know about you?
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