Survey: Has your body image influenced your views on weight and weight loss medications?
Word In Black, a collaboration of the nation's leading Black news publishers, wants to hear from you.

Word In Black and STAT reporters are reporting together on how Black people view their weight, body image, and weight loss medications. We will not share your name or story without your permission.

To be included in this project, answers must be submitted by February 15, 2024. Please share this survey with others. 

*We especially want to hear from Black folks in midwestern and southern states.

About the reporter: Anissa Durham is the health data reporter at Word In Black, where she reports on healthcare inequities and mental health in the Black community. She produced the reporting series Lost Innocence: The Adultification of Black Children as a fellow with the USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism and Fact or Fiction: Navigating Health Misinformation in 2023.
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Age *
City, State *
Gender *
I identify as (Check all that apply) *
If you have struggled with your weight, at what age did that begin? *
Have you ever been diagnosed with an eating disorder or struggled with disordered eating? *
Would you say you have a positive or negative view of your body image? *
Has anyone suggested you lose weight? *
Has anyone suggested you take or use medications for weight loss? (Check all that apply) *
If you have tried to lose weight, which of the following describes your weight loss journey? (Check all that apply) *
Do you have one or more chronic health conditions? (Check all that apply) *
Ozempic is a medication for Type 2 diabetes, but has recently been used for weight loss. Are you currently taking Ozempic? *
Are you currently taking any other weight loss medications? E.g. Wegovy *
Are you currently taking any supplements, teas, or other stimulants to lose weight?
Do you have any additional thoughts about body image, weight loss, or medications used for weight loss? *
Would you be willing to share your story and thoughts with Word In Black & STAT reporters for our project?
If you would like to speak with us for our project, please leave your contact information so one of our reporters can reach out to you or email
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