Vaughan-Woodbridge Youth Council Application
Become a member of the Vaughan-Woodbridge Youth Council and work with MP Sorbara to build a stronger and more resilient Vaughan-Woodbridge and Canada.

- Be 14 - 30 years old
- Reside in Vaughan-Woodbridge

Office of MP Francesco Sorbara
Email *
Full Name *
Date of Birth *
Phone number *
Email *
Home Address *
Tell us about yourself: *
If you are currently attending an educational institution, which level are you enrolled in? *
Do you have any previous volunteer experience? *
Tell us why you would like to join the Youth Council: *
What do you hope to get out of your experience on the Vaughan-Woodbridge Youth Council? *
Which specific areas are you interested in? (select all that interest you) *
Would you like Francesco to tag you on social media posts? If so, please share your social media handles below (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook). (OPTIONAL)
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