Hello Senior Familes,
We are busy planning Grad Nite for our 2025 class and believe we have something fun and special to offer to all! As we mentioned before, this event is NOT a SMES sponsored event. This event is planned by parents and our sole funding comes from our revenue from our ticket sales. In an effort to keep the event affordable for everyone, and to provide the maximum amount of fun for our seniors we are seeking underwriting in the amount of $15,000. If you would like to underwrite any part of the evening, we would appreciate your support in keeping the event affordable for every senior and to allow us to provide the maximum amount of fun! Just as a reminder this event will take place following graduation on Saturday, June 7th. Please consider giving any amount you feel comfortable with, no amount is too small. The sooner we reach this goal, the sooner we can set our ticket price and secure additional activiites for the night. Underwriting commitments would be appreciated before Febrary 1.
Thank you so much for your support - we couldn't offer this experience for our seniors without your help!