Concert Archives' Backstage Pass Guest Contributor Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in contributing a guest post to Concert Archives' Backstage Pass! Please familiarize yourself with the guidelines below. This form is not for final submissions, but for you to share your idea for a post, so we can let you know ahead of time if we think it would be of interest to our readers!

Final Submissions should:
- Be 100% original and not posted anywhere else
- Be clear, well-written, and interesting or informational (preferably both!)
- Include a short author bio
- Have at least 700 words

Additional Information:
1. Concert Archives reserves the right to edit, adapt, update, and republish contributions at our discretion. In rare circumstances, posts may be subject to removal.
2. Submissions must meet our team's quality standards to be published.
3. Guest contributors may not republish their published Concert Archives' Backstage Pass contribution in its entirety elsewhere. This includes your own blog, LinkedIn, Medium, etc. However, you're welcome and encouraged to share the link!
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What's your name? *
Best email to contact you at? *
What category most closely matches your idea? *
Please describe your idea in 1-2 paragraphs. *
Where can we find examples of your previous work? *
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