Farms To Feed Us
Are you a small-scale farmer, grower, dairy, fisherman or local producer in the UK who's offering online ordering, pickup or delivery options in your area or nationwide through the post during the Covid-19 crisis? Please enter your information below and we'll add you to our Google Doc database which will form an open source document for all to share at this critical time.

Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
Email Address *
 Farm or business name *
Postcode (of your business or farm) *
Nearest town *
County *
Contact number *
Website, Instagram, or other public contact information:
What do you grow and/or produce? What are you currently offering? *
Would you consider your farm/ produce to be:

Zrušit výběr
If you have a product list online, please provide the url below.
Do you offer online ordering?
Zrušit výběr
Are you offering delivery service? *
If you are using a local hub for pickup, please provide the details (business name, location, contact number if available).
Please specify how customers can best access your products during the COVID-19 outbreak. (This is about which systems relieved your business of burden the most, or simply which works best for you.)
Zrušit výběr
Are you still accepting new customers for your delivery service during the COVID-19 outbreak? *
Do you envisage needing paid worker and/ or volunteer workers on your land or in your business? And if so please specify what and when.
Can you tell us what produce you envisage being in ample supply and in shorter supply than usual in the next weeks and months? e.g. the types of veg, meat, non-perishables that are a.) plentiful now b.) in short supply now
Please read our privacy policy at *
We would like to keep you updated about our progress. We may need to contact you from time to time to obtain the latest information, particularly about what you have for sale. *
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