Costumes and Collapse Reading Group
You are invited to join the reading group for Costumes and Collapse, a multiyear project at the Neubauer Collegium organized by professors Hoda El Shakry and Leah Feldman at the University of Chicago. This project turns to costumes, textiles, and wearable art as forms of anti-colonial and queer resistance at the interfaces of embodiment, materiality, ecology, and affect. Activities include a series of reading groups, lectures, performances, and exhibitions that will travel from Chicago (2024) to Tbilisi (2025) and Paris (2026). Reinterpreting traditional clothes, parodying uniforms, or queering garments against a backdrop of imperial, social, and ecological collapse, the project addresses the formation of new modes of politics and aesthetics fashioned through wearable art. We are currently inviting a host of scholars, artists, performers, designers, and thinkers to join in conversations about texts and objects that address the themes of wearable art, textiles, and costuming.
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Will you be able to join us for our first session on Wednesday November 8th from 11am-1pm cst?  *
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We will provide light food and beverages for each session. Please share any dietary notes: 
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