Rooted Strategy Survey
Hello! First of all, you're the best for helping me understand what resources are going to help you feel supported by your business. I am so, so, so passionate about solopreneurs creating their own versions of success and being financially supported doing 1) work they love and 2) work that is incredibly meaningful.

As a thank you for providing thoughtful responses, I'm giving away an hour strategy session to one of you to use as you need it!

With love, Rachel
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Hello! First, I'd like to know a little bit more about you. What's your biz all about?
How long have you been an entrepreneur?
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What type of services do you offer?
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What parts of your business do you absolutely love??
What parts of your business frustrate you to no end?
Describe yourself as an entrepreneur You can check as many as you want!
Which 1-3 below describe your biggest pain the butt moments?
Now, let's talk about your audience. How do MOST of your clients find you?
Once they find you, where do they usually convert?
What's your biggest issue with your audience?
If you could wave a magic wand and have someone come fix ONE thing in your business, what would it be?
What do you think is the biggest things that holds you/others back as a solopreneur?
If you could set ANY goal for yourself for the rest of 2022, what would it be?
Yay. You're finished!! If you want to be considered for the giveaway, write your name and email below. If you want to stay anonymous and don't care about the free session, leave this blank!
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