Registration For On-site Worship Services and Weekday Programs 现场崇拜会和周日节目报名表格
Dear Brethren, please fill in the form below to attend our on-site worship services and special programs

1. The timings of the worship services

The Youth Worship Service is conducted on Saturday, 3.00 pm, at the Main Sanctuary.

The Morning Worship Service is conducted on Sunday, 10.00 am, at the Main Sanctuary.

The Chinese Worship Service is conducted on Sunday, 10.00 am, at Auditorium 4-7/8.

2. The timings of the Weekday Programs

The Special Seniors' Program is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30 am - 11.30 am, at the Fellowship Hall.

You can choose either day to attend.

3. Vaccination OR Pre-Event Testing

We are required by our government to only accept individuals who have been fully vaccinated.

Those who are 12 AND below need not be vaccinated.

4. Seating in the Sanctuary

Due to the streamlining of safety measures, we no longer need to sit according to a zone or group i.e., we can sit wherever we wish (both level 2 and 2M in the Sanctuary will be opened).

However in light of everyone's safety, we would still like to encourage safe-distancing where possible.


1. 崇拜时间

青年崇拜将在星期六下午 3 点,二楼礼堂里举行。

早晨崇拜将在星期日上午 10 点,二楼礼堂里举行。

中文崇拜将在星期日上午 10 点,第四楼,礼堂4-7/8举行。

2. 周日节目时间

年长人士特别节目将在周二和周四上午 9 点30 分至 11 点 30 分在一楼礼堂里举行。

3. 疫苗接种或活动前检测(PET)


12 岁及以下的孩童不需要接种疫苗。

4. 二楼礼堂内的座位

由于安全措施简化了,我们不再需要按区域或组来坐,我们可以随意选择座位(礼堂的第二楼和 二M楼都将开放。


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メールアドレス *
Full Name 姓名 *
Handphone number 电话号码 *
Have you been fully vaccinated?  您是否已完成疫苗接种? *
Full Vaccination means that you have completed your 2nd dose of an approved vaccine, and have had two weeks to develop sufficient protection. 已完成疫苗接种意味着您已完成第 2 剂经批准的疫苗接种,并且有两个星期的时间来增强足够免疫力。
The Worship Service or Weekday Program you wish to attend 您想参加的崇拜会或周日的节目 *
Google フォームでパスワードを送信しないでください。
このフォームは Bethany Independent-Presbyterian Church 内部で作成されました。 不正行為の報告