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Your Mom's Favorite Guild Application
Please fill out the following fields. An officer will contact you after submission. If you have any questions, please send a message to Sckar#7960 on Discord.
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* Indicates required question
Your answer
Discord ID
Your answer
Main Character (please include links to and a quick sim on Raidbots (or Ask.Mr.Robot if applicable) as well as list main role and comfortable specs in order of preference)
Your answer
Alt Character (please include links to and a quick sim on Raidbots as well as list main role and comfortable specs in order of preference)
Your answer
Are you able to make our raid times? Thurs/Sun/Mon 7PM-10PM PST (GMT-8)
Your answer
Number of AOTCs Achieved
Your answer
Number of Cutting Edges Achieved
Your answer
Tell us about your raiding experience
Your answer
Tell us about your raiding goals (and m+/pvp if applicable)
Your answer
Tell us what you expect from us as a guild and leadership team
Your answer
Tell us a bit about yourself
Your answer
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