SIGN ON LETTER: Strengthening Shoreland Zoning Enforcement
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Committee on State and Local Government

℅ Legislative Information Office

100 State House Station

Augusta, ME 04333

February 22, 2024

RE: Strengthening Shoreland Zoning Enforcement (LD 2101)

On behalf of the individuals and organizations listed below, we want to express our support for LD 2101, An Act to Strengthen Shoreland Zoning Enforcement.

State and municipal shoreland zoning laws exist to help protect water quality, limit erosion, conserve wildlife, and preserve the natural beauty of Maine's shoreland areas. 

Some homeowners and developers violate shoreland zoning rules by cutting healthy trees along the water’s edge, removing shrubby vegetation that stabilizes shoreline and helps keep water clean, or by adding jetties, stairs, boat launches, sand, and other features without the necessary permits. Fines may be assessed and paid as the "cost of doing business," but the damage remains. 

LD 2101 will hold shoreland zoning violators accountable. This bill authorizes municipalities and the Land Use Planning Commission (the zoning and planning authority for Maine’s 10.4 million acres of unorganized territory) to suspend or revoke shoreland zoning violators’ permits, and place liens on properties in violation. 

We urge the State and Local Government Committee to keep this legislation intact and strong. It is imperative that we do not allow affluent lakefront property owners to violate our laws simply because they can afford to.

Maine's shoreland zoning laws benefit us all, and we must ensure that they work. We urge your support.  



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Note that you will not be added to any email solicitation lists as a result of signing on this letter. Organizers may reach out with an update about LD 2101.

Questions? Contact Maine Audubon's Policy Advocate Francesca "Ches" Gundrum at or Maine Lake's Executive Director Susan Gallo at
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