RocVentures Winter League

Our upcoming Spring League, commencing the week of January 22nd, is just around the corner!

Team Formation:
Join with a team of 4
- No team? No worries! Register as a Free Agent, and we'll connect you with available teams or fellow Free Agents.

League Structure:
- Teams will meet once a week for 6 weeks.
- Flexibility is key! Choose any day and time that suits your schedule for your weekly climbing session.

- Challenge yourself to conquer increasingly difficult routes each week.
- The goal is to achieve a clean send on each route, meaning no falls, takes, or dabs.
- Weekly scoring will be based on each participant's top 5 routes.

Prizes and Recognition:
-Dynamic bracketing will be employed at the end of the league.
- Prizes will be awarded to the top team in each bracket.
- An individual prize will go to the participant with the highest overall score.

League participation is entirely free for members.
- Non-members can sign up for $90, which includes facility access and equipment usage once a week for the entire 6 weeks.

Closing Ceremony:
To conclude the league, we will host a closing ceremony featuring food and, of course, prize distribution!

Don't miss out on this thrilling opportunity to challenge yourself, bond with fellow climbers, and possibly snag some fantastic prizes!

Rules , Rosters & Standings

Full Name *
Email Address *
Grade *
What grade do you comfortable climbing at the gym? This is used to help free agents join teams.
Availability *
What days are you available to climb? This is used to help free agents join teams.
Team *
  • Register as a "Free Agent" so that you remain available to join any team.
  • Enter a new team name to create a team.
  • Enter an existing team name to join that team. Please get permission to join existing teams.
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