Loop Summer Intensive 2022 - Sign up
Thank you for your interest in our Loop Summer Intensive!
1st and 2nd August 2022 10am-4pm
This is a summer programme of classes with Loop Dance Company hosted at Glassbox Theatre, Medway and also available online via Zoom.

Please see timetable on our website for timings and details of classes.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Home Address *
Are you over or under the age of 18years?                                                                     (If you are under 18, please complete the additional consent form) *
Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number *
Are there any medical concerns we should be aware of? If not, please put 'Not Applicable' below. *
Would you like to be signed up to our mailing list? *
We would love for you to join us for the whole programme, however we wish to open up these classes for those that may only wish to join for a few sessions. Please indicate below the type of pass you would like. You can give details in the next question.
Please select below
2 Day Pass (All sessions - £95 per person)
1 Day Pass (£55 per person)
1 Class Pass (£13 per person)
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If you have selected 1 day or 1 class/ multiple classes, please let us know in the box below which classes these will be from the timetable on our website.
Many thanks and we will be in touch soon!
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