Cybersecurity Thesis Questionnaire


This study is carried out by Tinotenda Rusike in an independent setting as part of a course assignment in  thesis project course at the University of Skövde. I can be contacted via Course coordinator Per Backlund can be contacted via


Study coordinator: Tinotenda Rusike.

Participant/you: One or more people participating in the study.


The purpose of this study is to research how player learning can be increased in cybersecurity education games improving their overall ability to recognize and respond against threats and security practices among end-users. Keep in mind that the purpose is solely to test the game, you will not be tested for how you play the game.


You will complete a phishing quiz designed by google and asking you to fill out this questionnaire. Answer the questions as best as you can and add a score once you have completed the quiz. You're free to skip any interview question you don't want to answer except for questions that are indicated as otherwise.


The questionnaires will be completed and recorded through this online format. Some of your data may be linked together, but it won’t be in a way that could identify you as an individual.



You may choose to withdraw your participation in the study at any point and for any reason, without telling us why. All data collected from you will then be deleted and will not be used. If you, after having completed the play-test, would like to withdraw your participation, contact us via All data relating to you will then be deleted and will not be used. Your email address will only be viewed by us, and won’t be used for anything other than informing you that your data has been deleted. Your email address will not be saved.

Should you contact us for reasons not related to the deletion of data, your email address will only be used to correspond with you via our email, and will be deleted once correspondence ends. You may also request the deletion of any emails sent by or to you.

The raw data collected in this study will be processed and presented to the course coordinator, the course examiners, and our fellow students in the thesis project course. The processed data cannot be used to identify individuals.

All collected data will be saved locally on an external hard drive for the duration of the study. All raw data related to the study will be deleted by August 1st 2024 at the latest, provided you haven't requested the deletion of your data before this.
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