Undergraduate Application to Participate in UR2PhD
Use this form to apply to participate in the coming cohort of UR2PhD as an undergraduate researcher.  One goal of this program is to increase the number of women and gender-marginalized students who pursue research-focused graduate degrees in computing. Participation involves committing to engage in the program's virtual research methods course as well as to participate in a research experience with a faculty member local to your institution. Prior research experience is not required for applying to this program. 
So please, tell us a little bit about yourself in the below application. 

NOTE: Applications for the Fall of 2023 are now closed.
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Basic Information
First name
Last name
Name of the school you attend
Major (and minor if applicable)
Name of the department offering your major
Best email to communicate with you
Approximately what percentage of your degree have you completed?
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Program Related Insights
Remember prior research experience is not required for this program. Tell me about a research question that you have investigated or would like to investigate.
What do you hope to gain from this research experience?
What do you hope to gain from the UR2PhD mentoring program?
What are your 5 year and 10 year goals in computer science and research? It's okay to say - I do not know at this time. 
Experiences in Computing
Describe any scenario that you have encountered where you felt supported or encouraged during your undergraduate experience.
Describe any scenario that you have encountered where you felt unsupported or not encouraged during your undergraduate experience.
Do you feel like you have found a community in undergraduate computing?  
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Do you feel like you had to build a community in undergraduate computing?  
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Do you have the opportunity to work collaboratively with your peers (inside or outside of class)?  
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Do you feel like your peers (in computing) treat you well?  
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Do you feel heard in your classes or group projects?  
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Do you feel like being [insert identity here; e.g., woman, non-binary, Black, Latinx] has impacted or influenced your experiences in undergraduate computing? 
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Are you aware that faculty do research at your institution? 
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Program Expectations
Reflecting on your current commitments, do you have 10 hours per week to commit to research and the research methods course? 
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One goal of this program is to increase the number of women and gender-marginalized students who pursue research-focused graduate degrees in computing.   Please describe how your participation will support this goal.
Faculty Advisor and Research Team
This is the faculty member that will be advising and mentoring you during the research experience.  If your primary mentor is a graduate student, you should list the name of the faculty member who supervises them.  The research team includes you and the other students who will work with you on this project.  A research team needs to include a total of 2 or more undergraduate student researchers.  These other students MUST also apply to the UR2PhD program.  
Faculty Advisor Full Name
Faculty Advisor Department
Faculty Advisor Email
Names of the other undergraduate students working on this project who are also applying to the UR2PhD program.  Note that in order to participate you MUST be working on a research project with a team, but each individual undergraduate researcher needs to submit their own application.  If you need help finding a group, please contact your advisor for assistance.
Emails of the other students working on this project who are also applying to the UR2PhD program.
(Demographic) Identity Questions
What is your gender?
Are you transgender?
How do you identify racially/ethnically? (Select all that apply)
Please add here anything else you would like to tell us.
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