Want to join the Lucky Slice team?!
At Lucky Slice Pizza, we're always looking for great people to help us make great pizza & great experiences for others.

We provide an energetic and fun work environment, and offer:
- Full time/Part time
- Comprehensive benefits
- Flexible schedules
- Opportunity for advancement, & more....

Want to join our team of makers, doers, movers, and shakers?

Complete and submit this form to get the process started.

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Why do you want to work for Lucky Slice? *
Describe your "Best Day Ever"...
Do you have previous experience working in restaurants? If yes, please explain where you worked, what position you worked and how long you worked there.   *
If you don't have prior experience working in restaurants please tell us why you think your personality would be good for employment in a fast paced restaurant.  *
First Name
Last Name
E-mail address
Phone Number
Are you over 18 years old? *
Are you over 21 years old? *
Which location(s) are you interested in working at? (select all that apply) *
Please let us know what times you're available each of the days below. Check the box for the times you're available each day of the week.  *
Available All Day
Unavailable All Day
How many hours per week are you available to work? *
What position(s) are you interested in? *
Please provide 2 references. Name (first, Last), email, phone number, relationship. *
If you were referred to this position by someone currently employed at Lucky Slice, please list their name here.
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