Street Team Form

Help me promote The Hybrid Wolf Series for exclusive perks, early access to content, a chance to win a signed copy of each new release, and more!

My street team is a group of readers who love my books, and are willing to leave reviews and help me promote them on social media. This involves promoting my series in the run up to launches or sales etc., and recommending my books in reader spaces to help spread the word.

As part of my Street Team, you will get access to a private discord to join Q&As and chat with other team members. This is where I post early snippets, other top-secret info, and promotional material. I lurk on Discord quite a bit, so I'm happy to answer questions and chat when I'm procrastinating!

1. The street team is managed via Discord. Because this is where promo material and private information is shared, you must be willing to join our Discord channel.

2. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things such as race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.

3. Any snippets/ARCs/early access content shared in the Discord is exclusively for Street Team members only. If this or any information is shared outside of the Discord channel, you will be removed from my Street Team.

4. You must be willing to promote and encourage others to discover my books on social media.

5. You must have read and reviewed at least one of my books.

Please note that applying does not automatically mean you will be accepted. You must be subscribed to my newsletter to apply. By completing this form you will be added to my mailing list if you are not already subscribed.
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Why do you want to join Ciara's Street Team? *
Discord Username: *If you don't have Discord, don't panic. I will send a link to invite you 💜
Link to your review of Wolf Bait, The Hybrid Wolf Series: Book One: *
Please drop your social media info below:
These are optional, you do not need them to be on my street team!
Goodreads Link:
Other: *
To join my Street Team, you must agree to the following: I understand that any snippets/early access versions may not be the final version and may contain typos and other errors that will be fixed once the final version is available. ARC copies should never be shared, copied, or distributed. Doing so is a violation of copyright law. Review copies are not guaranteed to every applicant. There will be no financial compensation for any reading or reviews. *
No sharing exclusive information, snippets, or sneak peeks outside of the Discord channel. Breaking this rule will result in your removal from my Street Team. *
My books contain content not suitable for children and all Street Team members must be 18 years of age or older. *
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