Makers Market Spring 2021 Application
This year we're continuing to host a few smaller markets throughout the warmer months. The spring Makers Markets will take place on Saturdays in May and June and will be outdoor markets here at MAKE SOUTH BEND. The dates are May 8, May 22, June 5, and June 19 from 11am-3pm.

Spots are big enough for a standard 10 foot pop up tent, and the vendor fee is $25 per market. We can only accept ten vendors each date to allow for plenty of social distancing. Once accepted, you will receive an invoice for the booth fee and will need to pay it by April 29 to be part of the markets. If the event is cancelled, we'll refund this.

Applications are open until April 15.
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Contact Name, first and last *
Business or professional name
Which date/s are you interested in vending? You may be selected to participate in more than one if there's room. *
What will you bring? *
How would you best describe your work in a few words to a sentence? *
Please provide a link to examples of your work, such as a website, Facebook page, or Etsy store. *
What email can we use to contact you? *
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