2024 June Insight Retreat Waitlist
Please complete the short form below to be added to the waitlist for the June 19-24 online Insight Meditation Retreat with Oren Jay Sofer and Matthew Brensilver. We will notify you as soon as a place becomes available.
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Your name *
Email Address (please double check for typos) *
Would you be available to attend on short notice if there is a last minute cancellation? *
If yes to attending on short notice, what's a phone number we can use to call/text you?
In what capacity are you hoping to attend the retreat? *
Personal Information
The following information will help us to create as diverse and inclusive a retreat as possible. While optional, we appreciate your willingness to respond.
What is your age?
Șterge selecția
How do you identify your gender?
Șterge selecția
Do you identify as a person of color or multi-racial?
Șterge selecția
Do you identify as LGBTQI?
Șterge selecția
Golește formularul
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