Dignity in Giving UK: Community Feedback & Insights
Hello dear neighbours!

Share The Cost Global: As part of the Dignity in Giving UK Community Project, backed by the National Lottery Community Fund, are keen to gather your feedback and thoughts. This initiative is all about community and the ethos of "paying it forward" – where one hand helps another. Your voice is essential in ensuring that this project not only serves our community but also fosters a spirit of mutual support. Please take a few minutes to fill out this form. Your insights will help shape the project to ensure it benefits everyone and remains respectful to our community.

In recent times, the UK has witnessed a concerning rise in food poverty. In 2021/22, 4.7 million people, including 12% of our children, faced food insecurity. The Trussell Trust, a leading food bank network, reported record-breaking distributions of emergency food parcels. The cost of living has surged, with 56% of adults noting increased expenses in 2023, and a staggering 97% witnessing a rise in their food shopping costs. This has led to 17% of UK households facing food insecurity in June 2023, a significant jump from 7.4% since January 2021. 1 in 4 children in the UK went to bed hungry every night over the 6 weeks holiday (July and August 2023).

Moreover, a recent survey revealed that one in four teachers in England felt compelled to provide food for their hungry pupils since returning back to school September 2023 and hygiene poverty is on the rise (teachers are washing pupils clothes on arrival to school). It's a stark reminder that community initiatives like ours are not just beneficial but essential. However, it's crucial to remember that this project isn't a permanent solution unless the community deems it necessary and supports it through 'pay it forward' donations.

Currently, the plan from November 2023, is to hold bi-weekly ‘Shareaways’, a novel approach to community support. Take what you need, and if you can, give back through one of our many avenues. In addition from January, we will hold our bi-weekly coffee mornings, fostering community connections. 

At Share The Cost Global, our ethos revolves around unity, sharing, and creating lasting impact. When you collect items from us, it's not merely an exchange; it's a step towards perpetuating the cycle of giving. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, fuel this cycle, ensuring everyone gets a chance. While we offer a suggested donation range, the amount is truly up to you – it's the spirit of sharing that counts. Our diverse payment methods, from cash to QR codes, make the process seamless. And as a token of our gratitude, we have a little something for every contributor. Through our initiative, you're not just assisting an individual; you're fortifying a community, weaving a tapestry of kindness, and illuminating the world with hope. Together, let's champion the magic of shared acts and make a difference! 💖

For more information on STC Projects - www.sharethecostglobal.com - come and check us out...we are still developing the site but would be happy to see you there!

In line with GDPR and Share The Cost Global's policy, rest assured that your personal details will not be shared outside our organisation without your explicit consent. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Every step we take together can make a difference.
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Dignity In Giving Project backed by The National Lottery Community Fund
Full Name
You can leave it blank also. This ensures that feedback is genuine and can be traced back to real individuals in the community.
Email address
We'll use this to respond to any concerns or feedback
What's your road/street name and postcode? *
This helps us understand the proximity of our neighbours to the project.
How do you feel about the Dignity in Giving UK Community Project initiative?
This provides a general thoughts/feelings about the project.
Do you have any specific concerns about the project? If so, please detail them below.
Would you be interested in being a recipient of the project?
This helps gauge the current actual need in the community.
Would you be interested in participating or volunteering in any capacity?
Auswahl löschen
Do you have any suggestions on how we can make this initiative more beneficial or less disruptive for the community?
Currently, the plan is to from November 2023, is to hold bi-weekly ‘Shareaways’, a novel approach to community support. Take what you need, and if you can, give back through one of our many avenues. In addition from January, we will hold our bi-weekly coffee mornings, fostering community connections. 
If you're interested in the "pay it forward" ethos, do you have any ideas or ways you'd like to contribute or support others in the community?
This could be anything from donating non-perishable items, offering services, or even just spreading the word. Please note, we're emphasising the importance of putting the dignity back in giving. We encourage donations of items that you would consume yourself and share. At this time, we are not accepting perishable foods or items that require refrigeration or freezing.
Would you like to be updated about the progress and updates of the project?
This ensures that those who want to be kept in the loop can be, which is important for transparency and ongoing community engagement.
How did you hear about us? *
Any other comments or feedback?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form; every response contributes significantly to assisting someone in our community.
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