2024 Venus Fest Mentorship Program Application

Thank you for your interest in the 2024 Venus Fest Mentorship Program!

Applications close at 11:59pm EST on Friday, May 24, 2024.

Please see this year’s mentor list online here: https://www.venusfest.net

This year's program runs from June 15-July 28, 2024.

In this program, you will receive:
- 8 hours of one-on-one ongoing sessions, with two different mentors (online - you can expect to have 2 hours of sessions per week from late June to late July)
- 3 workshops, in-person in Toronto (June 24, July 7, July 24)
- 2 peer-to-peer sessions (online)
- an honorarium of $500 for your completion of the program

Applications are open to anyone living in 'Canada', but participants are asked to attend as many of the in-person components as possible; we encourage applications from people who are either based in the GTA or who can reasonably travel to Toronto to attend one or more sessions. If you can commit to attending, but need to attend virtually for accessibility reasons, please let us know and we will accommodate.

Venus Fest’s Mentorship Program is geared towards musicians and music workers of underrepresented identities/genders. Within this, we especially encourage applications from artists/arts workers who are QT/BIPOC, otherwise equity-seeking, or have lacked previous institutional support for their current professional goals. We have multiple placements reserved for transfemme, Black and/or Indigenous participants.

You can expect a response from us by June 6, 2024.

For questions requesting links, please confirm the link is publicly shareable and that file format is standard (PDF/JPEG/etc) before submitting. If we cannot open the link or file we will not contact you to revise your application - we hope you understand!

Our mentors this year are:

Artist mentors:

Ahya Simone (she/her)

Kimmortal (they/them)

Industry mentors:

Kristyn Gelfand (she/her) - Uma Nota Culture

Rebecca Gekht (she/her) - Heavy Trip

Lyndra Griffith (she/her) - Entertainment Lawyer

If you prefer to submit your application as a video or audio file, or have other questions related to this application process, and/or specifically about its accessibility, please email Beau, our Mentorship Program Coordinator:


Thank you! :)

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Email *
Name: *
Pronouns: *
City/Town; Timezone: *
Please check all that apply.

[We know that these types of questions can feel reductive. Our reason for asking is that we have a number of reserved placements for equity-seeking participants, and we want to ensure that those placements go to the people who they are held for.]
*OPTIONAL: If you checked that you would like to provide clarifying information about your identity, please feel free to use this space to do so.

(This space is here to provide an alternative to the options provided above. This question is not mandatory, and whether or not you write a response here will not affect the evaluation of your application.)
Please link to a document and/or website that represents your experience in your field: *
Examples include: website, link to a PDF of your CV or resume, bio, EPK, and/or one-sheet. We won’t prioritize one format type over another; we are happy to accept whichever is most convenient for you. (Additionally, if you are sharing a google doc or PDF hosted on google or dropbox, please edit the sharing permissions to "allow anyone to view" the file before pasting the link below. Thank you!)
Link to your socials/website/music, if not provided above:
Website, Instagram, Bandcamp, Soundcloud etc.
Of the 5 mentors listed in the program description above, please list your top 2 mentors of interest, in order of preference.

(We will try to match you based on preference but can't guarantee you'll get your first choice!)
Where are you at right now in your music practice or arts career, and what do you hope to gain from this program? *
Tell us about yourself and your current professional goals. Consider including why the mentors you identified above would be a good fit for you/for these goals.

Suggested word count: 150-250wds, flexible
Are there any dates when you are completely unavailable in June and July? *
This info will be used for scheduling, and will not impact the selection process.
Other than any dates listed in the previous question, I agree to be available for all mentor sessions (1-2 hours weekly, between June 15 - July 28 2024), and for workshops and peer-to-peer sessions (5 additional dates total). I understand that my sessions will be scheduled based on this given availability. If I become unavailable or changes to my schedule occur once the Mentorship Program begins, I will notify the Venus Fest team so further arrangements can be made. *
I acknowledge that racism, sexism, ableism, and/or discrimination of any kind will not be allowed in this program, and that I also have the right to speak to Venus Fest staff at any time if I need support during this mentorship program. *
Do you have any access needs or concerns?
This info will not be used in the selection process. We will use this to tailor our programming to your access needs if you are selected.
Thank you for your application to the Venus Fest Mentorship Program 2024!
Applications close at 11:59pm EST on May 24, 2024. You can expect a response from us by June 6, 2024.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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