The New Mom Club

A 12 week group and community space for new mom's.

The group will run with no less than four moms and no more than ten moms. 

We use Facebook and Voxer  in between sessions to connect and share content and build community. 

The group has a virtual (Zoom) or in person option and will meet every other week for the 12 weeks with popup support on our off weeks.

Babies and children are welcome.

This group is open to moms with little littles (children 3 or under)

The basic cost of group will be: $333 for the 6 weeks this includes the group meeting time, journal prompts, meditations. 

The upgraded cost of group is $750 For those seeking additional support over the 6 weeks which would include  three 1:1 or couple sessions (virtual) to be used during group or three months after group.

You will get an invitation to join when I have 4 people on the waitlist but I'll email you within a week of your submission to chat and I offer a 20 minute free consultation about group or even just to check in around pregnancy and postpartum!

Group starting at the end of January 2024!

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
What is your full name? *
Are you interested in: an in person or a virtual group
This group typically meets at either 11 or 1pm on Wednesdays. Which do you perfer?
How old are your children? (Please note: I welcome this question to be answered with children that may not be earthside) *
Three words to describe your motherhood journey so far? *
Who are your current support people? *
What is or do you expect to be the biggest surprise during this postpartum time for you? *
What do you hope to gain from a group setting?
Ah! Commitment.

Here is the part where you may want to run away.


Hear me out:

YOU DESERVE TO SHOW UP FOR YOU annnd I know that it will be hard to make that space for you.

So here is what I ask: Can you agree to show up, however you are for 6 weeks. This means to feed your child if you need, cry if you need, come wearing puke, come covered in pee. Whatever!

Can you commit to trusting that we all mother with the tools we have and we are all mothering different children?

This group is not a how-to be "better". This group is a place to Be.

By applying to be part of this group you are committing to create space for yourself and for others free of judgment, free of blame, and free of closed-minded thinking...we live in a world of both/and.

Can you join us there?
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