TEDxAddisKetema 2015 E.C speaker nomination form 
TEDx is a grassroots initiative, created in the spirit of TED’s overall mission to research and discover “ideas worth spreading.” TEDx brings the spirit of TED to local communities around the globe through TEDx events. These events are organized by passionate individuals who seek to uncover new ideas and to share the latest research in their local areas that spark conversations in their communities. TEDx events include live speakers and recorded TED Talks, and are organized independently under a free license granted by TED. These events are not controlled by TED, but event organizers agree to abide by our format, and are offered guidelines for curation, speaker coaching, event organizing and more. They learn from us and from each other. More than 3000 events are now held annually.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Gender *
Age *
What are the ideas you want to be raised on the event? *
From the people you know and have met before who is your icon and can deliver an idea worth spreading *
Why did you nominate this person to deliver speech on TEDxAddisKetema stage?
Please let us know if you have any comment or suggestion? *
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