Recording Studio Booking Form
Email :
Whatsapp : 9175302302
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Mobile Number *
Contact Email
Date *
Slot Time *
Amount of time you'd like to book *
Will you be bringing an accompanist with you?
Auswahl löschen
If yes, which instrument will your accompanist be playing?
Payment Methods For Advance Payment
Google Pay : 9175302302
Phone Pay : 9175302302

Account Details :
Account no.- 33227556830
Name : Nikhil kishor Gatlewar
Branch : Chimur
Ifsc code : SBIN0011422

Scan My QR Code To Pay
Terms and conditions
1. Price is 700/- Hour For Recording.

2. The Client agrees to pay for studio time at the rate in effect at the time of booking. The specified non-refundable deposit is required to confirm studio booking. Rates are subject to change without notice. After Payment Mail or whatsapp Receipt to us.

3. The Studio will provide studio time and the services of a recording engineer for the duration required by the Client (unless instructed otherwise). Any additional time required for providing Studio services, including, but not limited to, mixing, mastering, creating additional versions, stems and adding to or modifying tracks require additional fees.

4. The Client is responsible for all amounts due and shall make payments to the Studio by cash or credit/debit by the end of the session. Any additional charges incurred must be paid on the completion of the recording session. The Client is responsible for any and all  legal costs and attorney’s fees required to collect payment for any services rendered.

5. In the event of cancellation or rescheduling of a booked recording session or other scheduled services by the Client with less than a 48-hour notice BEFORE the scheduled session, the Client agrees to forfeit the deposit placed to hold the booked session time. For sessions scheduled less than 48-hours before the session, the deposit is non-refundable. All deposits for sessions booked as part of a promotion are also non-refundable.

6. If the Client arrives late for a scheduled session, he will be responsible for payment of the period of time he was scheduled and the time will not be extended. This amount includes payment for a sound engineer, if included on the booking agreement. If the Client is late in excess of 15 minutes, the Studio reserves the right to cancel the session and the Client forfeits all deposits.

7. All Studio time extension requests are contingent upon Studio availability and must be paid in advance. Regular rates apply to additional Studio time and services provided. If original session was booked through a promotion, the extended time will be charged at the regular Studio rate at the time of the session.
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