Groom ISD Parent/Community Survey Summer 2024
Do you have children at the school?   *
Do you feel like Groom School provides a safe learning environment?
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Do you feel like Groom School mirrors the values of the community? *
How satisfied are you with the communication from the school?
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Do you feel like school policies are enforced consistently in the classrooms?
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Do you feel like school policies are enforced consistently by the administration?
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How much time does your child spend daily (on average) on homework?
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Is the amount of homework your child receives appropriate for their age/course load?
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Do you feel comfortable approaching your child's teacher with your questions/concerns?
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Do you feel comfortable talking to administrators when you have questions/concerns?
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Do you feel like your child has equal opportunities to participate in all school activities?
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Are you aware of the anonymous tip line the school has for reporting student concerns? *
If you feel the need to explain any of your answers please do so here:
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