London Borough of Tower Hamlets Sports Summit 2024  Survey 
We want to hear your view on community sport in Tower Hamlets to inform the development of our new Sport & Physical Activity Strategy. 

We'd love it if you could take 10-minutes to answer some of the questions on this form to let us know what's working for you and what's not so that we can make informed decisions in developing our new Sport & Physical Activity Strategy. 

The survey is anonymous, unless you are happy to be contacted to further input on this work in the future. If so, we will ask for some more information about you so that we can get in touch, such as your name and contact information. This means that your response to the survey will no longer be anonymous. 

If you wish to withdraw your interest at any point, please email You have the right to withdraw at any time. Please, do not share any information you do not feel comfortable sharing. 

All of the information provided in this form will be handled in accordance to the Data Protection Act 2018 and compliant with GDPR.  

Please complete the following questions, this should take no more than 10-minutes. Thank you. 
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