Private Coaching Application
Congrats on taking the first step towards reclaiming your own power! Please complete this short questionnaire to help me better understand your goals.
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Email *
Name (first and last) *
Phone number *
What is driving you to seek the support of a coach right now? *
Why is this problem an issue for you? *
What would you MOST like to accomplish in the next 90 days? *
My goal as your coach is to help you bring your dream life fully into focus and create a plan to start living your dreams. The "VIP Coaching Package" is a four month coaching relationship which includes: private coaching sessions with me and resources to help you identify your biggest hurdles, create goals that align with your values and make progress. Are you ready to make a financial investment of at least $1600 to get the support & accountability you need to make your goals a reality this year? *
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